Spark Fonts
Typography is a defining feature of the Spark language. The selection of our standard font families, the incorporation of a modular scale, and the use of a baseline grid are intended to introduce a modern and harmonious look to Sabre applications.
Roboto Condensed Bold
Roboto Bold
Roboto Regular
The default font, Roboto Regular, was selected for screen readability. Use Roboto Condensed for larger headings and use Roboto Regular on smaller headings and body text. Our base font size is 16px. Noto fonts may be used for international and special character needs.
Some elements within Spark, like H5s or navigation and button labels, use uppercase text for increased visual prominence. Use 1 to 3 words at most in these cases, as uppercase text is difficult to read at length.
Typography Usage
Display Title
H1 (Page Title)
H2 (Section Heading)
H3 (Subheading)
H4 (Subtitle)
H5 (Small Subtitle)
H6 (Smallest Title)
Large Copy
Default Copy
Small Copy
All Headings: $katana-black Body Copy: $gray-80 Text Link: $blue-60
Modular Scale
Text requires varying sizes to establish a visual hierarchy of information displayed on the page. We have adopted the concept of modular scale - using a ratio to create a scale upon which the size of text, line height and padding are determined - to lend a balanced rhythm to the display of content on the screen.
The modular scale of Spark is based on 16px body text and a major third (1.25) scale. Text sizes across all UI elements defined in our language reflect this modular scale.
Resizing with CSS Classes
Heading sizes may be modified by referencing the above scale names to be applied as CSS classes. For instance, if a
Level 2 heading (H2) needs to be visually displayed at a size smaller, you can apply the .spark-gamma
class to drop it down a size.
Additional CSS Helper classes are available to solve small, common problems and enforce consistency within Typography.