Progress Indicators
Progress indicators inform the user that something is happening and give users confidence that things are going smoothly
Large Determinate Example
- Applying Policy Rules
- Sorting Options
- Generating Jobs
- Perturbing Matrices
- Reticulating Splines
- All done!
When to Use
- Use a determinate indicator to communicate the percentage of completion when this value is known and when it is helpful to communicate this to the user.
- Use an indeterminate indicator to communicate that an action is being performed by the application, but the percentage of completion is unknown. An indeterminate indicator can also be used when the action happens so quickly that is seems unnecessary to communicate the percentage of completion.
- Large Determinate Example (shown above)
- Large Indeterminate Example
- Small Determinate Example
- Small Indeterminate Example
- Extra Small Indeterminate Examples
There are two types of indicators: determinate and indeterminate. Both determinate and indeterminate progress indicators may include brief messaging about what action is being taken. See Voice and Tone for guidance on messaging.
There are three sizes of indicators:
- Large - Use in full page context, such as splash screens
- Small - Use in modals, panels and inline content
- Extra Small - Use in buttons, form fields and table cells
Large Indeterminate
Small Determinate
- Applying Policy Rules
- Sorting Options
- Generating Jobs
- Perturbing Matrices
- Reticulating Splines
- All done!
Small Indeterminate
Extra Small Indeterminate
Developer Notes
A loader is created by adding a class of spark-progress
to an element. This element should also have the appropriate role="progressbar"
ARIA attribute.
Whether or not a progress indicator is determinate or indeterminate is based on the presence of a value
attribute on the <progress>
element. A determinate loader has a value attribute (even without a value). Conversely, an indeterminate loader is defined as having no value
Order matters
The first element contained inside a spark-progress
container should be a <progress></progress>
element. This is essential to defining a determinate or indeterminate state.
Any text which accompanies the loader should be placed inside an element with a class of spark-progress__text
. For determinate loaders, an element with a class of spark-progress__value
and role="status"
should be placed inside the text container. This element will be updated with the current percentage of the loader.
You may also insert a <ul>
with a class of spark-progress__states
which contains different text values to be displayed when the <progress>
element has different values. The <li>
children of this list of states must use the attribute data-value
along with an integer value from 0-100. These list items will be shown and hidden automatically as the progress indicator is incremented. For example, say you have three list items with data-value
values of 0, 35 and 100. The first <li>
will be shown when the progress value is from 0-34, the second from 35-99 and the last at 100.
Following the text, values, and states is the actual graphical representation of the loader. This is created by adding an element with the class spark-progress__meter
. Although the initial markup is the same for a determinate or indeterminate loader, determinate loaders replace this meter element with a special SVG implementation of the loader.
This functionality relies on JavaScript. The following options may be passed when using new Spark.ProgressIndicator(el, {});
or $(el).sparkProgressIndicator({});
Name | Type | Default | Description |
precision | number | 0 | How many decimal places to render in the percentage. |
For all available methods and full API, refer to the component code on Bitbucket.
Large Determinate
- Applying Policy Rules
- Sorting Options
- Generating Jobs
- Perturbing Matrices
- Reticulating Splines
- All done!
Large Indeterminate
A large loader is created by adding .spark-progress
, .spark-progress--integrated
and .spark-progress--lg
to an element.
Small Determinate
- Applying Policy Rules
- Sorting Options
- Generating Jobs
- Perturbing Matrices
- Reticulating Splines
- All done!
Small Indeterminate
A small loader is created by adding .spark-progress
, .spark-progress--horizontal
and .spark-progress--sm
to an element.
Extra Small Indeterminate
An extra small loader is created by adding .spark-progress
, to a <button>
element with the spark-btn
and spark-btn--sm
classes. Additional button classes may be added to customize the color. Do not use determinate loaders at this size.